Asset Structuring

Structure your Assets

The motives for transferring partial or total assets into separate corporate forms and structures vary.
In the case of private individuals, this is usually related to inheritance and succession planning, the realization of a charitable activity or the separation of private assets from business assets.
In particular, companies from abroad want to establish a foothold in Switzerland, be it in the form of a parent company as a holding company, or as a subsidiary in an international group.

Asset Structuring Subsegments

Asset Protection – Structures

Protect your assets and also your intellectual property. This not only for yourself but also in case of transfers and succession planning.

Asset Transfer – Structures

Are you planning to pass on your assets to a third party? Put your funds into a structure to implement your transfers in a tax-optimized and carefree manner.

Family Foundations and Trusts

Plan your succession over several generations or leave parts of your assets to charity. We support you in this.

Asset Structuring Projects

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